Open Positions
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Rättelse: mail som skickats tidigare idag rubricerat ”Combitech söker Projektledare till Botkyrka kommun (100003504)” ska ha rätt rubrik: ”Combitech söker Projektledare till VGR (100003509)”. Vänligen bortse från det tidigare mailet idag. Mvh, Partner Network From: partner.network Sent: den 2 maj 2024 10:49 To: partner.network Subject: Combitech söker Projektledare till Botkyrka kommun (100003504) [cid:image001.png@01DA9C7E.58C5A090] Ni finns med på Combitechs distributionslista för partner/konsultuppdrag och får därför denna förfrågan. Combitech söker Projektledare till VGR (100003509) Sammanfattning Roll: Projektledare Kompetensnivå: 5 Ramavtal: avrop Addas ramavtal för IT-konsulttjänster Period: 2024-07-01 – 2026-12-31, option 12 månader 3 Omfattning: 100 % Placeringsort: Mölndal Distans: framgår inte Säkerhetsklassat uppdrag: nej Krav på svenska: ja Antal konsulter: 1 Takpris: fri prissättning Referenskrav: ja, ett referensuppdrag enligt Anbudsinbjudan 5.1 Intervju: eventuell intervju via Teams 2024-05-22 – 2024-05-24 Sista anbudsdag: 2024-05-20 Svar önskas: 2024-05-16 Konsulten ska ha: • Minst 15 års erfarenhet som Projektledare för komplexa digitaliseringsprojekt • Chefserfarenhet från stor och komplex organisation • Mycket god erfarenhet av att leda virtuella kompetensteam • Mycket god förmåga att på svenska dokumentera och presentera och driva beslutsprocesser • Stark förmåga att agera självständigt, lösningsorienterat och ta en drivande roll • Svenskt medborgarskap för att vid behov kunna säkerhetsklassas • Mycket goda kunskaper om agila arbetssätt Meriterande kompetens: • Positivt med erfarenhet av VGR:s Millennium program • Erfarenhet med VGR:s och Oracles programverktyg Efterfrågat underlag: • CV för offererad resurs där erfarenhet framgår • Avropsförfrågan ifylld. I det fall det inte finns något bifogat dokument, vänligen svara på frågorna i ett separat Word dokument • Ett referensuppdrag enligt Anbudsinbjudan 5.1 Om ni har kandidat, presentera denna där ni tydligt beskrivit kravuppfyllnad och bedömt lägsta pris. Var noga att svara på frågorna. Svara hur ni löser kraven inte bara ”konsulten har erfarenhet av…” utan ”konsulten har erfarenhet av… på grund av genomförda uppdrag … tid… då man genomförde … och använde metoder…” . Observera att om ert företag inte redan är godkänt som underleverantör på ramavtalet kan det ta extra tid för hantering och godkännande, vilket bör beaktas avseende svarstiden. Svar önskas snarast, dock senast 2024-05-16. Är ni intresserad och har tillgänglig konsult som uppfyller kravbilden för uppdraget enligt bifogat upphandlingsdokument, vänligen återkom med underlag för avropssvar till partner.network@combitech.se.
TestJobb3(no tags)
We are looking for a senior project manager to lead the planning and delivery in software and electronics hardware at Electromobility with the scope of several functional domains for the electric propulsion areas. Main responsibilities: Lead project planning, execution, and delivery, ensuring alignment with project scope, timelines, and quality standards. Proactively identify and mitigate risks, resolving challenges with resilience and adaptability to keep projects on track. Inspire and empower several development teams, fostering a culture of accountability, clear communication, and action-oriented collaboration. Communicate project status, progress, and key insights to stakeholders, providing transparency and ensuring alignment with organizational goals and maximize the customer value. Champion continuous improvement, optimizing operational processes to drive efficiency and excellence. < Uppdragsinformation Uppdragslängd: 2024-05-13 to 2024-12-31 Placeringsort: Göteborg
We are looking for a senior project manager to lead the planning and delivery in software and electronics hardware at Electromobility with the scope of several functional domains for the electric propulsion areas. Main responsibilities: Lead project planning, execution, and delivery, ensuring alignment with project scope, timelines, and quality standards. Proactively identify and mitigate risks, resolving challenges with resilience and adaptability to keep projects on track. Inspire and empower several development teams, fostering a culture of accountability, clear communication, and action-oriented collaboration. Communicate project status, progress, and key insights to stakeholders, providing transparency and ensuring alignment with organizational goals and maximize the customer value. Champion continuous improvement, optimizing operational processes to drive efficiency and excellence. Uppdragsinformation Uppdragslängd: 2024-05-13 to 2024-12-31 Placeringsort: Göteborg
We are looking for a senior project manager to lead the planning and delivery in software and electronics hardware at Electromobility with the scope of several functional domains for the electric propulsion areas. Main responsibilities: Lead project planning, execution, and delivery, ensuring alignment with project scope, timelines, and quality standards. Proactively identify and mitigate risks, resolving challenges with resilience and adaptability to keep projects on track. Inspire and empower several development teams, fostering a culture of accountability, clear communication, and action-oriented collaboration. Communicate project status, progress, and key insights to stakeholders, providing transparency and ensuring alignment with organizational goals and maximize the customer value. Champion continuous improvement, optimizing operational processes to drive efficiency and excellence. Uppdragsinformation Uppdragslängd: 2024-05-13 to 2024-12-31 Placeringsort: Göteborg
Security Engineer Senior, Göteborg
Cybersecurity Embedded Engineer: This role will develop security controls system specification (Requirements), to ensure implementation of cybersecurity mechanism at vehicle component level. You will serve as a system design engineer within cybersecurity and will belong to CS infrastructure team within department (Cybersecurity and Functional safety). In this roll you are supposed to do attack vector analysis at vehicle level by considering exposure interfaces and generate CS top level function requirement and refine requirement to system specification with capability to be allocated on ECU. These requirements will later be implemented either by inhouse development team or send to supplier. Proficient at leading all phases of projects, programs and initiatives of diverse scope and complexity. Works and collaborates with different ART (agile release Train) in either a lead or support role based on business need and introduce cybersecurity infrastructure requirements. Essential responsibilities include executing TARA , contribute to attack vector analysis, generating cybersecurity attribute requirements and refine the requirements to corresponding cybersecurity specification such as Access Control, HSM (Hardware Security Module) Security on-board and off-board requirements, Secure Boot, IP Firewall or Secure Software Download. Technical support to security technologies supporting implementation, evolution, and operations of the multi-layer authentication infrastructure. Experience with system design work and requirement management is needed. Along with system specification you will be also responsible to release verification requirement needed for testing of CS system specification. Required qualifications: • BSc or MSc in Computer Science, Electronics or equivalent • Documented experience in at least one of these areas: architect design or cybersecurity concept design. • Knowledge within ISO/SAE 21434 and UNECE 155 is a plus. Uppdragsinformation Uppdragslängd: 2024-05-01 to 2024-12-31 Placeringsort: Göteborg
Industrialization Project Manager Senior
Hej Partner! Broccoli har fått en förfrågan från AB Volvo via Levigo som vi härmed vidarebefordrar till er. Återkom till sales@broccoli.se med kandidater ni vill offerera. Bifoga: CV i word, pris till Levigo, möjligt tillträdesdatum och gärna en kort säljtext på engelska. För att skapa säkerhetsid till Volvo AB behöver jag även veta i vilken stad konsulten är född, samt i vilken månad och datum. Angivet pris nedan är Levigos prisidé. Tänk på att detta mail är skickat till dig som partner till Broccoli. Det innebär att du inte kan skicka det vidare till annan part utan att kontakta oss. Du som partner ansvarar för att ha godkännande från dina kandidater att skicka deras CV till Broccoli. Vänliga hälsningar Anita Nyckelsjö Administrativ Koordinator [cid:image002.png@01DA9658.D85134E0] Förmansbacken 1 417 57 Göteborg Mobil: 0708-358878 Office: 031-151480 Mail: anita.nyckelsjo@broccoli.se Web: www.broccoli.se AB Volvo Level Associate / Entry: 0-2 års relevant erfarenhet Experienced / Professional: 2-5 års relevant erfarenhet Senior: >5 års relevant erfarenhet Lead / Specialist: minst 8 års relevant erfarenhet Expert: minst 10 års relevant erfarenhet Senior Expert: 12+års relevant erfarenhet. Erkänd som expert inom sitt område Job Posting Title: Industrialization Project Manager – Senior We are looking for an Agile Product Owner (aPO) for the Service and Parts Assortment Engineering Vehicle team. Main Responsibilities are: • Capability breakdown • Represent the stakeholders interest towards the team. • Be the interface for the team towards stakeholders and product management concerning delivery on feature level (i.e. aPM, capability owner, epic owner). • Own and maintain the team backlog on feature and story level. • Accept acceptance criteria/solution on story level. • Prioritizes the content in the backlog. (That means that if something needs to be added to the backlog, it is to be done through and in collaboration with the aPO.) • Manage risks and issues raised by the team regarding the team’s backlog and deliveries. The risks that the aPO shall handle is only regarding dependencies and prioritization. • Manage and coordinate Feature dependencies (not story dependencies) • Give status on Feature level • Manage Functional Inbox inflow (first point of contact) • Manage Backlog refinement meeting • Attend global Product Owner sync meeting. Personal Profile: • Has between 5-8 years experience in project management. • Strong abilities in priority setting. • Open minded and willing to drive change to move forward. • Very good at anticipating and being proactive to solve roadblocks. • Action and result oriented. • Strong collaborative mindset. • Knowledge of the automotive industry is a big advantage. • As all documentation is in English, proficiency in the English language is required. Senior: position typically requires >5 years relevant experience Volvo Group is an equal opportunity employer that values diversity in our workplace and we welcome all applicants regardless of age, ethnicity, gender or cultural background. Job Posting Start Date: 2024-06-03 Job Posting End Date: 2024-12-27 Location: Göteborg Job Family: Project Management
Ready to shine? Drop your CV below, and let’s start a conversation. Even if you don’t find the perfect match, your unique talent, qualifications and expertise are something we truly appreciate. Enroll and submit your resume regardless!

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